Thursday, September 6

Who's that Frog?

The results are in and the frogs have been named. Some make sense. Some don't. Some require extensive explanation. Good thing we'll be in vans together for 30+ hours this weekend.


Matt S.
Iron Frog

Goliath Frog


Jim Cr.
Ivan Frogo

Matt J.
Frog of War

Rick S.
Frogorexia Nervosa

The Big Red Frog

Rick G.
Boss Frog

Jim Co.
Count Frogula

Jim O.
An Inconvenient Frog (Though Frog W. Bush could work here)

Pavlovian Frog

- Dean

Wednesday, September 5

The Shirts are IN.

Team shirts have arrived. They are Brooks Equilibrium sleeveless shirts. They're really quite perfect for running.

Cap'n Rick got these out at the Brooks outlet in San Fran. a while back, so we'll do all we can to get you a size that will fit properly.

The shirts are emblazoned with our logo. Wear with pride as you pass other runners.

- Dean

Friday, August 31

A frog by any other name

Every frog needs a name. Time for everyone to get one.

But here's the catch. You can't name yourself. A name must be conferred upon you by your frog teammates.

Post away, and names will be given. Methinks you shouldn't protest too much, though. Resistance to a name will virtually assure that it sticks.

Have at it....

- D

A meeting of the frogs


Tuesday, September 4th, 6:30pm Cliff's Office

We'll discuss logistics and more details than you can shake a stick at. Be There, or gun-toting frog militia will hunt you down.

If you're out-of-town, we'll facilitate a call-in.

- D


Sunday, I'll be heading to the blue Ridge Mountains to do a reconnaissance run on leg 13, "The Ascent through Blowing Rock."

I'll do an "out and back" for a smooth 15 miles or so. Since Jim Cr. got lost on this leg last year, I figure some added intel was in order.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

- Dean

Wednesday, August 22

We Go at Eleven.

This just in: Our start time for the Blue Ridge Relay will be 11:00am on Friday.

We'll probably get to the park in enough time to see a few other teams set out. Should be a nice primer for our departure.

Roughly speaking, runners 3-5 may very well have 2 night legs apiece. everyone else should have one night leg.

- D

Tuesday, August 21

Always read the fine print

The BRR has a new requirement this year. Each team must come up with two volunteers for the race or pay a fee of $20 per runner (tax deductible). That's a lot of scratch for a 12 person team, so we've been busting our brains to find volunteers.

This is a time-sensitive, high priority request. If you know of anyone who would like to check-in runners and encourage them/answer questions at a BRR exchange zone, then pass this note on.

Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer for the BRR:

Really swell things will be said about you on blogs of all sorts.

Because when we pass the "Blue Mountain Oysters" this year, we'll cry, "REMEMBER THE PACEMAKERS!" to honor last year's team (lost to the Oysters by 15 min). We may even add flowery modifiers to this hearty exclamation. Not sure yet.

If you volunteer, We'll tell you what our team name really means.

You'll have a chance to personally ask the guy who's running the whole 208 miles by himself what in the name of George and Martha Washington is wrong with the wiring of his cerebral cortex.

Because the Godfather must always honor any request on the wedding day of his daughter. Okay, just go with it. It was a fine film, and I'm sure someone in Sicily is getting married on the 7th or 8th.

Volunteering is good for your soul, the running community, society at large, and quite frankly, our wallets.

It's a great resumé booster for those pesky Ivy League applications.

Celebrate the 144th anniversary of the second battle of the Sabine Pass (Texas, 09/08/1863) in style.

Immensely enjoy lying to runners, saying that they "look great," are "finishing strongly," or are "kicking butt."

Just think; we'll owe you one.

- Dean