Every frog needs a name. Time for everyone to get one.
But here's the catch. You can't name yourself. A name must be conferred upon you by your frog teammates.
Post away, and names will be given. Methinks you shouldn't protest too much, though. Resistance to a name will virtually assure that it sticks.
Have at it....
- D
Well we should definitely start with our two illustrious leaders, monsieurs Gibbons & Schuster. So just to get the ball rolling, and as a true reflection of their leadership skills and running prowess, I put forth
Frogzilla and Frogasaurus.
Obviously with Dean being the latter and Rick G. being the former. If 'Frogasaurus' does not put the fear into the other 11:00 starter Dean lines up against then nothing will!
Try as I might though, I can't come up with a good nickname yet for Stanek. The best I can do on short notice is a picture. After all they say it is worth 1,000 words.
For runner 11 Jim O., resident progressive politico and sincere fan of all things Al Gore, I propose:
"An Inconvenient Frog"
- Dean
How about:
An Incontinent Frog?
Not that Doc O has ever taken a whiz on anyone that I know, but just about any other frog I know has.
Not completely sure on the rules of the gam here, but the word 'Frog' does not *have* to appear in the nickname does it?
It will be enough to be situated in the frog genre. There's plenty of latitude there, I'd wager.
- D
How about "The Big Red Frog" for Cliff...
- D
For Mr. Cobb, I'm sure someone can come up with a good name based on his penchant for gossip & small talk. Maybe just 'Gabby Frog' or perhaps 'Stealth Frog' for his maintaining radio silence when attacking on the trails.
But if that train of thought isn't good enough, since he's our resident blood technician, how about 'Count Frogula' ?
I recommended a name of the trail today for Stanek, which I won't repeat here so he can be surprised Tuesday if that name is picked.
But I'll also put forth any name that plays on Matt's known parsimony. So how about:
Frugal Frog
Squeaky Frog (because he is so tight)
Tight A** Frog (great for all sorts of double entendres)
How about one of the following for Mr.Stroud:
Twiggy Frog
Anorexic Frog
Emaciated Frog
Malnourished Frog or
Kermit the Frog
oooooooo, an anonymous comment....
- Dean
Maul Nourished Frog? Didn't you see me tear into that Lumberjack Slam on Saturday? I buy breakfast & eat all but one flap jack and this is the thanks I get? You could have gone thanked me with 'Paul Bunyan Frog.'
Or underweight boxers at least get great descriptions like 'Pound for Pound, the Greatest such-n-such'. Not Sugar Ray Frog?
Or if all else failed you could always go with Lean Mean Sex Machine Frog !!!
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